Codekit external server error constantly
Codekit external server error constantly

  1. Codekit external server error constantly install#
  2. Codekit external server error constantly code#

The chevrons in outlineViews were sometimes the wrong color. Node.js is now native on M1 Macs, making just about every tool in the app faster. No other configuration is needed CodeKit will take it from there. Add mode: 'jit' to your file, save, and then refresh the project in CodeKit. Tailwind's new JIT mode is now fully supported. Could have saved, like, 6,000 support emails if I had done this five years ago.

Codekit external server error constantly install#

When you do, CodeKit now verifies that you have the right dependencies installed and offers to install them if needed. To use "async/await" in your JS, go to Project Settings > Babel and set the useBuiltIns option to "Usage". Increased app thickness to fill new $3,500 hole in wallet caused by HDMI port and SD card slot. Pop-up buttons are no longer comically oversized on Monterey. Yes, I'm looking forward to WWDC 2022, where Apple will once again lie to promise me how valuable and important I am and how we're "partners" working to "inspire dreams." (There's a bug in the build process that causes crashes on 10.13 and 10.14.) CodeKit now requires macOS 10.15+ because Xcode 13.2 got dumber. Dart Sass 1.45.1 has a couple potentially-breaking changes you should read about. CoffeeLint was discontinued and hadn't been updated in five years.

codekit external server error constantly

Files changed by replacement via drag-n-drop in the Finder are now processed automatically again. I recommend that you also not test what happens if you save files from 15 different projects at once. I did not test what happens if you save files from 15 different projects at once. New option in Preferences: CodeKit can now auto-switch the active project when you save files. Legacy Tailwind 2.x projects still work just fine, too. The new "JIT Mode" is automatically supported for these projects. New Tailwind Projects now default to Tailwind 3.x Watch the screencast or read the docs for details. CodeKit can now automatically spin up a Bootstrap 5 Project.

codekit external server error constantly

Fixes an issue where Tailwind files might not compile correctly. Violence is apparently frowned upon by HR. Some of the rules in the new "suggested" group would make me "suggest" that the person who selected rules for that group "introduce" their "face" to a "wall" repeatedly. 3.17.1 fixes a crash that might occur if you removed a project while the Build pane was open Double-clicking files in the list would sometimes not work correctly Kit statements incorrectly ignored spaces in file paths Dart Sass is finally fully-native on Apple Silicon, so it's faster than ever *.woff and *.woff2 files will no longer be cache-busted because Chrome whines when they are Violence is apparently frowned upon by HR Some of the rules in the new "suggested" group would make me "suggest" that the person who selected rules for that group "introduce" their "face" to a "wall" repeatedly There's 37 paragraphs of gibberish on the TypeScript blog that explains the option This is unrelated to the Module Resolution option that has existed forever TypeScript has a new Module Detection option to control how TS scans for ES6 vs CommonJS modules This happens if you take an optimized image and re-optimize it at a much higher quality setting When an optimized image is larger than the original, the UI now highlights that in red Updated the Bootstrap starter project to support Bootstrap 5.2+ 3.18.1 resolves a potential AppleScript crash on macOS 12.5 Resolves potential crashes introduced by the Swift 5.5 compiler When installing npm packages, the target Project is no longer explicitly disabled, but CodeKit still ignores file-change events in that Project until the installation completes The Projects Sidebar (you knew that was a thing, right?) sometimes didn't show disabled Projects as disabled This has no effect on existing projects only ones you create from now on The JS file that bundles Bootstrap components is now named so that you can access it from external scripts using the standard new bootstrap.Popover(.) syntax

codekit external server error constantly

If you hate yourself enough to still be using Bower in 2023, Rollup will no longer resolve Bower imports during JS bundling. Apparently lied about fixing that crash three updates ago Fixed a crash in the "Apply Best Defaults for Build Folders" routine You can now customize which comments Terser removes during JS minification You can now disable this assumption in Project Settings > Rollup, if needed.

Codekit external server error constantly code#

By default, if you import an external JS module but don't use any code from it, Rollup assumes you still need the import because the module does something else that's important. An issue where Silicon Valley had too many banks Installing packages that require cloning with Git might hang on Apple Silicon Macs without Rosetta 2 installed

Codekit external server error constantly